
Emory’s Center for Ethics A dynamic center convening and facilitating discussions from technical issues in bio-ethics to explorations of virtues and vices to challenges at the intersection of art and ethics to broad questions concerning a good and purposeful life.


Aquarium Drunkard Deepstream (as opposed to mainstream) music of all sorts. Samples, interviews, reviews.

Dozier Bell A powerful contemporary painter.

Megan Craig An expansive artist and philosopher excelling in multiple media.

NONsite Polemically charged, on-line journal of art and politics.


Emerson Central Great resource for texts by and discussions of Emerson. Another great resource for texts by Emerson.

Ralph Waldo Emerson Society Vibrant society of scholars working on and with Emerson.


Academy of American Poets A rich site of poems, recording, and poetry news.


Merit Institute P.C. A form of psychotherapy designed for people in the process of recovery from schizophrenia and other forms of severe mental illness. Developed by Paul Lysaker, with whom I have co-written a book and several papers, including some elaborating this form of psychotherapy.